Work-Life Balance – Does It Exist For Physicians?
Nov 07, 2024
As many practicing physicians in the United States are reporting moderate to severe burnout, the question of work-life balance arises. What does work-life balance even mean?
Some people believe that there is no such thing as work-life balance. My take on work-life balance is more of a harmony of living within you. A good balance does not mean that you are spending equal time at work and outside of work. It is the harmony you create that resonates with your beliefs and values, and that you feel at peace with the way you lead your life. There is not an absolute answer. I believe different versions of harmony exist for different individuals.
To explore the work-life balance or the work-life harmony within you, it is important to ask yourself what your definition of harmony is in terms of how you live and what you do. How do you want to feel most of the time? Of course, keep in mind that it is unrealistic to expect to feel only the pleasant emotions all the time.
Are you currently living with the work-life balance or harmony you desire?
To me, work-life balance is not putting work on one side of the scale and life on the other side of the scale and make sure they are balanced. It is work and non-work co-exist in a way that is constantly changing. That is why thinking of it as a harmony rather than a balance makes more sense. Harmony is present when work and life are in coexistence that brings you calm and peace. The harmony you desire now is probably different from what it was five years ago.
In terms of work, how many hours of work are you comfortable to engage in? Explore this without considering what your current job is offering you. Ideally it is something you consider before starting a job. Of course, there are times when reality is quite different from your expectations.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? Do you have any hobbies? How much time in a week do you spend in cultivating them? If your answer is no time to develop your hobbies, how does that make you feel?
As much as my attempt to simplify this, our lives are multi-faceted. Even within work itself, there is harmony or discord which is influenced by your workload, the connection with your coworkers and with your patients, and with the complexity of your work.
There are even more layers to explore outside of work. There is the family connection – are you spending the quality and quantity of time you desire with your family? Is there a passion project waiting for you to start? How about your friends?
Are you living in harmony with yourself? Do you feel fulfilled? Are you living in alignment with your values in the different aspects of life?
Be intentional about having harmony in your life. Practice mindfulness. What does it mean to you to have harmony in life? Get into the details. Think about your work situation – what is ideal to you? Think about your family and friends, and how much time you get to spend with them. Imagine you are living in harmony in life, with all aspects aligned according to your values and beliefs. How does that feel? Those emotions are the ones you want to create more of now. Set your priorities according to your picture of harmony. If you can live life and create more of those pleasant emotions, you will find ways to achieve it.
Are you ready to stop feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Are you ready to have more time to do what you want?