The Word For 2023
Jan 02, 2023
It is fun and purposeful to pick a word for the new year. It helps us think of goals and things to achieve for the year. It is s simple and purposeful way to give our brain a direction. It is also a mark for a new beginning.
The word I chose for 2023 is shining. It is no coincidence that my coaching company is Shining With Gratitude MD. I am making my mission, my life to be shining all the time, to be in service in ways I can give.
Shining as a light in darkness. When there seems to be no hope, nothing positive, no other way, I am here for you. Be it a terminal cancer diagnosis, I am here to support you, love you and to offer you the best medical advice. I am here to let you know that you are not alone and there is always hope for something better. It may not be a cure of your cancer, but it may be to slow down the progression or to minimize your pain.
For all the physicians out there, I am here for you. I decide to serve more physicians this year. When you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, stuck, or not enjoying life, I am shining the light of possibilities. It is possible to feel better. It is possible to go home on time from work. It is possible to find joy in medicine again.
Shining and radiating a positive attitude. As there are many ways to think of out circumstances. I decide to always focus on the thoughts which are more positive, more constructive, more kind and more helpful. As our attitude is contagious, my hope is to connect with people around me with this positive energy, so that their day will be a more lighthearted one.
Shining with the glow of good health. I decide to eat healthier foods. I will continue to exercise and keep up with the health care maintenance and age-appropriate cancer screening tests. I decide to set myself as an example for others. Good health includes good mental health. I will continue to share with others ways to maintain a health mental state. It is important to reset and recharge on a daily basis.
Shining with love. There are many ways to show love. One of the ways I decide to focus more on for 2023 is love through service. I am serving you in the way you want and you need. For my patients, for my fellow physicians, for my friends and family. It gives me great joy to connect with other people with love through serving them.
I invite you to decide the word for you in 2023. What does it mean to you and to others? 2023 is going to be our best year yet. Let us embrace it with open arms and make it happen.
Are you ready to stop feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Are you ready to have more time to do what you want?