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Remember Your Why To Improve Efficiency

Jun 24, 2024

Going home from work on time, with all my work done, has not always been the case for me. Not too long ago, I was struggling to leave work by 7 pm and many nights with more work to do at home. One thing I remember was that, when I had an outside commitment, I somehow was able to finish my work sooner than usual.

For example, when there was a band concert for my child at 7 pm, I would do everything possible to finish my work on time, so I could attend that concert and not had to worry about completing my charts afterward.

That was before I could go home by 5 pm consistently. If I gave myself some kind of a deadline, I could somehow manage to finish the work by that deadline. Has that happened to you?

Come to think of it, it is not just any deadline. The time limit or the event is something that is compelling enough for you to keep your commitment to that specific time limit. That is the reason to motivate you to be more focused, to be faster and more efficient.

If you want to have your work completed and leave for home on time, what is your reason behind it? Is it a compelling reason? If it is not a strong enough reason, it is easy for you not to commit to it. It is easier to maintain your old ways because you are familiar with it, even though that is not the way you want to work or live.

What is your long-term goal of wanting to go home on time? Mine is to spend more time with my family. Think of a goal that is something you desire, a way you want to live. If you are spending an extra 4 hours to finish your patient charts and take care of your inbox tasks, going home within an hour of seeing your last patient seems to be impossible for you right now. Focusing on gaining back 3 hours a day seems impossible, and it may be discouraging. If your brain cannot process the remote possibility of this for you, you may not even try to go home on time.

What about going home half an hour earlier than usual, consistently? That is two and a half hours of your time, if you work 5 days a week. Does that seem possible?

Setting a goal gives your mind a direction to go. A compelling reason is to motivate you to get going and keep going. A goal that you have not accomplished and is realistic enough for your brain to think that is possible to achieve gives you the push to propel forward. There is hope to be better. There is hope to go home sooner. Without hope, there is no reason for you to even try.

When you set the goal that is your strong why, that is hopeful and realistic, you will likely experience emotions such as determination, focus, energized, or some other pleasant feelings. As you are experiencing emotions such as these, you will find ways to achieve your goal. That is, find ways to be faster and more efficient, without compromising the quality of your work. We do want to take great care of our patients. Remembering why you want to leave work sooner and what time frame you want to be done with your work is the start of your journey to be more efficient, so that you will achieve your goal.

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