My "Grey" Thumb
Feb 06, 2022
I have always admired people who have a beautiful garden. Many people enjoy their time planting flowers and vegetables. They spend that time relaxing and renewing their mind.
For the longest time, whatever plants I touched and attempted to take care of died shortly. I accepted the fact that I didn’t have a green thumb. That didn’t stop me from trying.
Almost 10 years ago, my mother-in-law gifted me a small jade plant. It was part of a mother plant that belonged to her close relative. That relative passed away, and the plant was part of what she left behind. That succulent required small amount of water. I was determined to take good care of my new green life form.
I watered the jade plant every few days. I placed it under good sunlight. Gradually it didn’t look the same – the leaves started turn brown. The water didn’t seem to go into the soil as fast as before. I supposed I watered it too much. So I gave my plant a break from water. Slowly, it started to revive.
Nine years later, the jade plant is still sitting at the corner of my office by the window. I figured out that once weekly watering with about 4 oz. of water is adequate.
My past failure doesn’t have to define who I am or who I want to be. Although I still don’t have a green thumb, I believe my “black thumb” has turned to at least grey.
Are you ready to stop feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Are you ready to have more time to do what you want?