Love Your Decisions
Sep 08, 2022
There are countless decisions we make every day, some are big, some are small. Some has a larger scale of impact, such as choosing which house to buy, promising which person to marry, or committing to which job offer to take. Besides these relatively impactful decisions, there are many more small decisions we make on a daily basis, such as what to eat for lunch, whether to exercise that day, or what to wear to work.
In addition, there are many things in life which we make decisions of, yet we are not really aware of those. They are the unconscious of sub-conscious decisions. Some examples are: You go to bed at 10 pm and think that it is the natural thing for you to do; or, you are working at your current position because you have to; or, you must go to the bathroom now, otherwise…
We often turn the unconscious or sub-conscious decisions into the belief of “should” this or “have to” that. This implication of a mandatory situation makes us believe we do not have a choice in that particular situation.
Let us explore an example. The very common phrase of “I have to get up at a certain time to go to work”. Do you absolutely have to? Yes, you may argue that, if you don’t, you will get flagged or even fired. So what if there are those negative consequences? It is still a decision you make. Instead of “I have to”, I invite you to tell yourself that “I choose to”.
There is always a choice, a decision to make. Let us open our eyes and find more decisions we are making as the day goes on. The more aware we are of our decision making, the more we can fine-tone and be in tune with our environment.
Decisions are made so we can move forward to the next step. When we make a decision, do we like our reasons behind that choice? Let us love our decisions. An unconscious mind does not know how to love our decisions, because it is not even aware that a decision is made.
Besides increasing our awareness, to go from sometimes unconscious or subconscious, to always be in tune with your surroundings, we get to explore the reasons for making a certain decision. Then we get to come up with a reason for loving your decision.
Going back to our example of “I have to get up at a certain time to go to work”. If you use another angle to look at this situation, you may see the actual decision you make. You may decide to go to work because you want to earn money. Or you may decide to work to avoid certain people. Or you may decide to go to work because you get paid. There may be many more reasons behind that one decision.
Do you love your decision? It may be a small decision, a decision which may seemingly make minimal to no impact in your life. Every decision brings us to the next step, either further toward the direction you are heading, or changing the direction you are going.
The next time you find yourself saying that you have to do certain things, explore the choices you made and love them. You choose to exercise every day so you can have better physical health. Or you choose to stay at your current job because it pays a decent salary. When you love your decision, you love yourself for making such a decision. You will also experience more abundance and love.
Are you ready to stop feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Are you ready to have more time to do what you want?