Doing Versus Being
Aug 08, 2022
Do you wake up in the morning with a mental list of things to do? I have to make breakfast for the family. Get ready for work. At work, there are certain tasks I have to complete. I have to go to the bank. The list goes on and on. I used to wake up to a mad rush. I snoozed till the last minute, to the second that I knew I would be late if I did not get out of bed. Then I quickly washed up, grabbed my bag and dashed out of the door. Arrived at my office was another full schedule of patients to see. I constantly felt that there was no time to snooze, no time to lose, no time to take a break and no time to get sick.
By doing things continuously, we get the tasks done. Is that our purpose in life, to keep doing and doing? I am not sure what the goal is if we just keep doing things without fully experiencing the process, the emotions generated, the ultimate mission to do what I do.
Instead of always rushing to the next thing to do, I choose to make the conscious effort to pause and be present. I remind myself why I am doing what I am doing. To me, being a physician is to help patients through their disease process, both physically and mentally. Part of any patient encounter is to document the encounter. The documentation, or the charting time, may be longer than the face-to-face visit. Even though charting is not something I enjoy doing, it is important to document as a means to communicate with other providers, and it is also a way to remember what is discussed. I choose to do my charting efficiently for good communication and to leave work on time. Why? It is because I want to spend time with my family, to be present with them to enjoy little things like having dinner as a family, or watching a movie together at home. Being present is the way to experience the full spectrum of a human being.
Sometimes we are not really living despite subconsciously breathing. Doing and being can coexist if we increase our awareness of what we do and how we feel. I think someone who keeps doing things without fully experiencing the emotions of doing it is a task doer. A human being is someone who is doing things and is paying attention to the surroundings, such as how the ocean breeze is brushing up your cheeks, or how the ice-cold water you are drinking is freezing your lips. A human being is someone who chooses to own the present by fully using all the senses and processing how that affects our emotions.
There is no end in rushing to complete one thing only to do the next task. That is what machines or computers do. Pause and be present. Be in the moment. Be curious and submerge yourself in all the possible emotions during that time. That is what the full human experience is. You will get to appreciate your life more.
Are you ready to stop feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Are you ready to have more time to do what you want?