Do You See Your Future?
Aug 25, 2022
Back in the 1990s, Conan O’Brien did a segment in his late show called “In the year 2000”. He would bring up ridiculous ideas about certain things to make the audience laugh. The segment went on for quite a few years. Fast forward to the year 2000, and the segment was still on. It was even more entertaining because he was no longer talking about the present with futuristic ideas.
How do we envision our future? Is there hope or despair? If there is any flavor of gloom or torment, I invite you to explore what thought is causing you to feel this way. Are you feeling that your situation is the way that it is? Do you feel stuck and there is no way to change it for the better?
When you feel stuck, your brain shuts down and does not want to venture in the possibility of even having a future. Oppression and disappointment follow. With these emotions, it is unlikely you will craft a vision of your future. The result is staying stagnant and unable to develop or operate in your full potential. You may also feel that your life is lacking fulfillment. Fear may also kick in. Fear disguises as a necessary emotion to protect us from what we are used to. Fear prevents us from exploring unfamiliar territory. You will end up staying in your lane. I prefer not to have discouragement and sorrow when I think about my future.
Instead, embrace hope into the future. Be curious and let your brain venture into uncharted territory of your imagination. What if your dreams can come true? What if it is possible to live in your dream life and enjoy it? Many people may immediately think about the how. They may think, okay, I kind of have an idea of what kind of life I want to lead, but it does not look like it is happening because I have no idea how to go from the present situation to my ideal way of life. I invite you to not focus on the “how” but concentrate on the creativity your mind is offering. Practice believing that favorite version of the future is possible and attainable. Your brain will offer up reasons why you should not believe. Acknowledge the resistance to believe and practice believing anyway. With hope, you are willing to explore different ways or methods to achieve the future you desire.
Yes, the unknown may be frightening. Think with creativity and not with a judging mind. More innovative ideas will come pouring. When you have a clear idea and image of your future self, imagine you are already that person. How is your future you showing up? How is your future you thinking or feeling? Borrow all the future emotions, bring them back and experience them in the present. Tune into the disbelief and self doubt. Listen in your head and continue to extract the hope in the future with belief. The more we can envision us being our future fabulous self, the more likely it is for us to become our envisioned future being.
Are you ready to stop feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Are you ready to have more time to do what you want?