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Are You Growing?

Jan 04, 2024

You may wonder why you even would entertain this question. I am referring to personal growth. Personal growth is a process in which you are increasing your well-being and becoming someone you want to be. Personal growth is different for each person. There is change in the way of thinking and increase in awareness. There is change in your attitude. There is an increase in feeling the pleasant emotions while fully experiencing the full spectrum of emotions.

Personal growth is becoming a better version of yourself. It is getting closer to your goals. Growth requires change. Change is simply something different from where you were and what you were. From one second ago, you changed to be a second older. Change does not mean growth. Some changes may steer you away from who you are or where you want to be.

In order to undergo the personal growth to be a better you and to get closer to achieving your goals, setting the intention is important. As we are constantly changing, without giving ourselves a direction, we may be changing into a version of us that we do not recognize or we do not approve. It is important to align the direction of growth with your values and beliefs. Part of setting the intention of growth is to examine and reflect on your choices and your actions. Why did you choose to do this particular thing? Is it aligning with what you value?

Personal growth overall is a great process. It is when you are maturing in your attitude, your emotions and your actions. Growth is getting clearer on your values and what you want.

To be growing on a personal level, it is to intentionally put yourself in discomfort. Discomfort is when you are challenged to do something new or to experience something foreign to you, which is to help you mature to be a better person. The unknown or the uncharted territory ahead may cause your discomfort and you may not want to proceed. Personal growth is also to overcome your anxiety or fear of the new, the insecurity of the unknown, and to take a big stride forward. Personal growth is also to look within yourself and be honest with yourself with what you want and not what you think you can have. To grow is to be curious and be open-minded about possibilities that you may not have thought of. You are willing to experiment different things and different possibilities.

There is always going to be some degree of doubt with growth. Personal growth is also to accept the existence of doubt and uncertainty yet keep going. Doubt is always going to show up when there is an opportunity for growth. When there is no doubt, that means that you are in the comfort zone, doing what you are used to or good at. That also means that you are not growing. When this happens, it is time to set another goal for you to grow.

An indication of personal growth is the desire to grow. The desire to be better, and there are infinite possibilities. Believe that it is possible to grow and take action. Sometimes, the result may be different from what you anticipated. That is also another opportunity to develop personal growth as you gain that experience.

Personal growth is an important part of life. It is an ongoing opportunity for you to become better and better, to become the best version of yourself, and to achieve the goals you want to accomplish. Getting comfortable in the discomfort is essential to growing into the favorite version of yourself.

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